After winning Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 last week, TV actor Karan Veer Mehra is now set to embark on a journey on Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 18. Seeing the kind of social media trends upon his entry, the television actor seems to be a favourite as of now. Before he entered the show, Mehra told India Today Digital that his BB 18 participation after a successful stint on KKK14 would be an advantage for him.
“After your 10th board exams, you want to appear for your 12th, right? This was a better and bigger career opportunity, and hence, I jumped on it,” Karan Veer Mehra shared while talking about why he decided to participate in Bigg Boss.
The actor also revealed that he was approached for the show earlier but things never fell into place: “Either I was working, and when I wanted to do it, people were already locked. So, it has always been a hit-and-miss opportunity. Finally, it all fell in place this year.”
Discussing whether the popularity he gained during KKK will help him on his Bigg Boss journey, the actor said, “It will definitely give me some leverage. It’s on the same channel and hence, has a similar audience. Even though it’s somewhere related, Bigg Boss definitely has a wider appeal. It’s also a daily show, watched 24X7. The scope to build your journey, and form a connection with the audience is bigger and also exciting. It’s much more than just doing stunts. But I do agree that I am going in with an advantage.”
During one of the episodes of Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, Karan Veer Mehra mentioned how he gate-crashed Salman Khan’s house Galaxy Apartment once. When asked if he would be discussing the same with the Bigg Boss host, he sheepishly replied, “If he asks about it, I will apologise. It happened a very long time ago. It was just a fun thing that we did, and I hope he forgives us.”
The actor further shared that his mother asked him to behave himself on Bigg Boss. Karan said that his mother mentioned how he is carrying the family’s name with him, and he should make them proud. When asked if he called good friend, and BB 11 winner Shilpa Shinde to get some tips, Mehra said, “No, I did not get a chance to actually speak to her before coming. I hope she watches the show and supports me though.”
Karan Veer Mehra may not have watched Bigg Boss but admitted to following Sidharth Shukla and Ankita Lokhande’s journeys in their respective seasons. He also said that given his experience in a hostel, he is confident that he would do well on the show. “I am quite a people’s person and make friends quite easily. Yes, for the last couple of years, I have been comfortable in my own space. So, let’s see how it all works out. But I am definitely excited about it,” he added.
Bigg Boss 18 airs on Colors.
Source Agencies