Indian Railways plans to introduce a sleeper variant Vande Bharat trains and complete vital railway projects in Jammu and Kashmir within the first 100 days of the new government’s tenure, officials told ET.They also mentioned that the 100-day plan includes the finalisation of the rolling stock procurement process for the bullet train’s trial run by August 2026.
Officials mentioned that the Chennai’s Integral Coach Factory is preparing the sleeper variants of Vande Bharat Express for long-distance overnight journeys. These new trains will offer more comfort to passengers on extended trips.
Indian Railways 100-day road map
One Vande Bharat sleeper train is currently under production at BEML in Bengaluru. Earlier this year, Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw had inspected its coach shell. TOI had exclusively brought its readers the first proposed look of the new Vande Bharat sleeper train.
The government has increased the budget for rolling stock production to over Rs 1 lakh crore. Additionally, work is progressing on 200 sleeper variant Vande Bharat trains under a public-private partnership.
Another major focus is the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramula Rail Link, aiming to connect Kashmir to the rest of the country. The completion of this Rs 37,012-crore project will facilitate train travel from Jammu to Srinagar. Notably, the world’s highest railway bridge on the Chenab River is complete and work on some tunnels is pending to connect to the Chenab Rail Bridge.
The procurement plan for the Ahmedabad-Mumbai high-speed rail, that is India’s first bullet train, is set to be finalized in the initial 100 days of the new government’s term. The high-speed rail project is backed by a Rs 40,625-crore loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
Source Agencies