Janhvi Kapoor is captivating audiences with her social media posts as she gears up for her upcoming film Mr & Mrs. Mahi. In her latest reel shared on Thursday, she showcased her dance prowess to the recently released song ‘Dekhha Tenu’. Dressed elegantly in a pastel-colored anarkali outfit, Janhvi exuded charm and grace as she effortlessly moved to the music, captivating viewers with her magical performance. Janhvi’s BFF Orry wrote in the comments section, “Beauty, grace represents all the Indian states.” Sharing the video, Janhvi wrote, “Dekha Tenu hits me right in the feels.”
Janhvi Kapoor charms with graceful dance to Mr & Mrs. Mahi song ‘Dekhha Tenu’
‘Dekhha Tenu’ is a new version of the timeless song ‘Say Shava Shava’ from Karan Johar’s 2001 film Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham. Aadesh Shrivastava composed the original track, Sameer Anjaan wrote the lyrics, and Udit Narayan sang the song. Mohammad Faiz sang the new rendition, which was composed and written by Jaani.
The trailer for the film Mr. & Mrs. Mahi was released a few days ago. The film depicts Janhvi and Rajkumma’s love story, which is filled with drama and emotion. In the trailer, failing cricketer Rajkummar chooses to coach his wife Mahi (played by Janhvi) after discovering her talent for the sport. Rajkummar Rao shared the clip, saying, “It’s MORE than just a story…it’s a journey of self-discovery, defying odds, and hitting doubt out of the park when it comes to chasing YOUR dream with an imperfectly perfect partnership.”
Mr & Mrs Mahi is directed by Sharan Sharma, who made his film debut with Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl. This is the second movie collaboration between Janhvi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao. They previously worked together in the horror comedy Roohi. The sports drama, which was supposed to be released in April, will now hit the theatres on May 31, 2024.
Also Read : Mr & Mrs Mahi: Janhvi Kapoor dislocated both her shoulders during cricket training: “There were a lot of times when I felt I should just give up”
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